camelia earhart 12" eyepillow
camelia earhart 12" eyepillow

camelia earhart 12" eyepillow

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the flyer. 
Sporting one hump on her back, Camelia Earhart is our dromedary (known as Arabian) camel. She's filled with a sweet exotic blend of lavender, chamomile, and rose. Lavender, originally a Mediterranean shrub cultivated for its aromatic flowers is one of the queens of herbs. It relieves nervous tension, headaches and insomnia.  
Chamomile is a yellow daisy-like flower with a fruity aroma. As a tea it helps with insomnia and nervous tension. A symbol of love and beauty, ancient Greeks, Persians and Romans used rose for medicinal properties that are recognized to this day.  Rose petals have an uplifting effect on the nervous system and can relieve insomnia, depression and fatigue.
dimensions: 12 inches long x 3 inches wide. weight: 10 ounces.

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